Sinkhole in Tijuana
A large sinkhole opened up in Tijuana along Via Rápida Mexico 1 on the way into Playas de Tijuana. This has caused a partial road closure and long lines of traffic. The nearby free road has also been affected by closures and traffic delays. Repairs are expected to take months. There is no fee at the toll booth in Playas de Tijuana until repairs have been completed. We advise avoiding the area if possible and crossing the border at Tecate or Otay Mesa (see our directions to take Boulevard 2000).

Graham Mackintosh’s New eBook
Baja author Graham Mackintosh has a new ebook available about his friendship with Baja beach dog Coco. “My Amigo Coco” features 100 full-page photographs and tells the story of Coco with his strong will to survive and the bond he formed with Mackintosh. The book is humorous and touching in true Graham Mackintosh style. You can download the book on Amazon.
San Diego Ensenada Ferry Starting Operations in June
A binational ferry between San Diego and Ensenada will begin operations this June. The trip will take just over 2 hours each direction from port to port and will eliminate the border wait that comes with driving. Fees will be around $28 per person. The ferry has a capacity for 300 people and will begin by carrying passengers only but is expected to also carry vehicles at a later date.

Art Walk Rosarito
The Rosarito Art Walk will take place May 27-28 (The Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day weekend). The free event will be held at the Rosarito CEART center for the arts. In addition to more than 60 artists displaying and selling their art, the festival will feature entertainment, food, and drinks. For more information, visit the Art Walk Rosarito Facebook page.
TIPs for RVs in Storage and Golf Carts
A reminder that Baja is now requiring temporary importation permits (TIPs) for RVs/Motorhomes that will be left in storage in Baja. You can learn more information at our article here. Any golf carts being brought into Mexico need to be imported with a customs agent.
Mexicali West Border Crossing
There have been numerous reports of scams at the Mexicali West Border crossing. Some travelers have had police stopping them in attempt to get a bribe, and other travelers have reported an older vehicle trying to hit their car and then asking for money to settle the situation. Be vigilant. Please review our information on what to do if you are pulled over by the police in Northern Baja, and download this document to keep in your glovebox.
Dogs in Crates
A reminder that Mexico technically requires dogs to be in crates while riding in cars in Mexico.