9-1-1 Now Works in Baja California (Norte)
As of October 3, 2016, 911 now works as an emergency number in the state of Baja California (norte). Baja California Sur will adopt the use of 911 in 2017, sometime between January and June. Mexico’s emergency number 066 will still remain in service for about a year as the change is being rolled out.
New PedWest Bridge
Tijuana’s PedWest pedestrian border crossing received a new permanent bridge on the Mexican side in September, to replace the temporary structure. Access to the new bridge is in a different location than the temporary structure. For the exact location and more detailed information, see more on our PedWest page.
Cross-Border Towing from Northern Baja
If you’re looking for an affordable cross-border towing company, we’ve had several recommendations for Gruas RJ Towing (tel. US: 619-872-5285 or Mex. 664-801-9382) with service from Rosarito and Tijuana up to San Diego. Towing rates start at just US$60. Roadside services are available 24/7 and English is spoken.
Ferry Service from La Paz to Topolobampo Temporarily Suspended
Baja Ferries has currently suspended service from La Paz to Topolobampo. There is no end date for the temporary suspension. Service from La Paz to Mazatlán remains unchanged. For general ferry information, see our article on taking the ferry to mainland Mexico.
Time Change – Fall Back
Daylight Savings ends in the state of Baja California Sur on October 30. The state of Baja California (norte) will stay on Daylight Savings until November 6th (the same schedule as California). Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour!
Overseas Voting for Expats in Baja
From the U.S. Consulate: For U.S. citizens living in Baja, the final date to return your paper ballot to your local election officials by Election Day for free via the U.S. Consulate (in Tijuana) is November 4, 2016. For those returning your ballots via the Consular Agency in Los Cabos the final date to return your paper ballot is October 31, 2016. If you wish to drop off your ballot, or have a friend or colleague drop it off for you place it in either a postage-paid envelope or envelope bearing domestic U.S. postage addressed to your local election officials. Voters may drop off ballotsMonday- Friday at the U.S. Consulate Tijuana from 7:30am- 3:00pm and at the Consular Agency in Los Cabos from 8:30am- 1:00pm. No appointment is necessary. Click here for the full message from the U.S. Consulate.
Día de los Muertos
Mexico celebrates Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, on November 1 & 2. This colorful holiday is a time to remember deceased friends and family members. See some of the holiday’s traditions explained in our Día de los Muertos Guide.

Photo from www.bajadivide.com
The Baja Divide Bike Route is Now Complete
The Baja Divide off-pavement, bikepacking route is now complete. The Baja Divide is a free resource, available to ride at any time for self-supported riders. The route traverses from San Diego, CA to San José del Cabo, and back up to La Paz. At a distance of 1700 miles (2935 km.) with 92,000 feet (28,000 m.) of climbing, the route is expected to take about six weeks to complete. The Baja Divide is divided into four chapters: Northern Sierra, Valle de los Cirios, Missions, and Cape Loop. For the route and more information, see The Baja Divide Website.
Desalination Plants in Northern Baja
A newly planned desalination plant in Rosarito will be the largest desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere. A proposed pipeline to carry some of the water from the Rosarito desalination plant to San Diego is under evaluation. Operations for the Rosarito plant are scheduled to commence by 2020 with the capacity to produce up to 100 million gallons of water a day. Both Ensenada and San Quintín have similar desalination plants that are under construction and both scheduled to open in 2017.