Chart of the California Missions

Missions Chart -

By David Kier
Co-author of “The Old Missions of Baja & Alta California, 1697-1834”


Here is a chart that shows the relationship between the founding of the 21 Franciscan missions in Alta California and the founding of the 27 Jesuit, Franciscan, and Dominican missions founded in Baja California, and how they occurred during the same period. The missions on the Baja California peninsula are in bold text:

1 -1697 Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó
2 -1699 San Francisco Javier Biaundó
3 -1705 San Juan Bautista de Malibat (Ligüí)
4 -1705 Santa Rosalía de Mulegé
5 -1708 San José de Comondú
6 -1720 La Purísima Concepción de Cadegomó
7 -1720 Nuestra Señora del Pilar de la Paz Airapí
8 -1720 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Huasinapí
9 -1721 Nuestra Señora de los Dolores Apaté
10-1724 Santiago el Apóstol Aiñiní
11-1728 San Ignacio de Kadakaamán
12-1730 San Jose del Cabo Añuítí
13-1733 Santa Rosa de las Palmas (Todos Santos)
14-1737 San Luis Gonzaga Chiryaqui
15-1752 Santa Gertrudis
16-1762 San Francisco de Borja Adac
17-1766 Santa María de los Ángeles
18-1769 San Fernando de Velicatá

19-1769 San Diego de Alcalá
20-1770 San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo
21-1771 San Antonio de Padua
22-1771 San Gabriel Arcángel
23-1772 San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
24-1774 Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Viñadaco
25-1775 Santo Domingo

26-1776 San Francisco de Asís (Dolores)
27-1776 San Juan Capistrano
28-1777 Santa Clara de Asís
29-1780 San Vicente Ferrer
30-1782 San Buenaventura
31-1786 Santa Bárbara
32-1787 San Miguel Arcángel (Dominican)
33-1787 La Purísima Concepción
34-1791 Santo Tomás de Aquino
35-1791 Santa Cruz
36-1791 Nuestra Señora de la Soladad
37-1794 San Pedro Mártir de Verona
38-1797 San José
39-1797 San Juan Bautista
40-1797 San Miguel Arcángel (Franciscan)
41-1797 San Fernando Rey de España
42-1797 Santa Catalina Virgen y Mártir
43-1798 San Luis Rey de Francía
44-1804 Sants Inés Virgen y Mártir
45-1810 El Descanso (San Miguel la Nueva)
46-1817 San Rafael Arcángel
47-1823 San Francisco Solano (Sonoma)
48-1834 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

1769 may have been the first instance when the territory north of the peninsula was referred to as ‘Nueva’ and later as ‘Alta’ California.

1772 was when the Dominicans were given authority of the Antigua (Old) California (peninsula) missions and the Franciscans over Nueva California missions.

1804 was the year that Alta and Baja California became two separate political districts. It was just ‘California’ before then, with 44 ‘California’ missions already established.

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